Tolle Lege

Tolle Lege (pronounced Toe-lay Le-jay) is Latin for “Take It and Read.”

“When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.” 

– 2 Timothy 4:13 (ESV)

Benefit From Godly Books

Benefit From Godly Books

When the Apostle Paul was in prison, he was facing the prospect of death, and yet he desired books. He had been preaching at least 30 years, saw the Lord Jesus, was caught up to the third heaven, wrote the major portion of the New Testament, and had been given visions — yet he desired books to study!

Tree of Life Christian Church is known as the Meat Department when it comes to studying God’s Word.

We believe it is God’s desire for believers to read and study His Word, and the many of the sound works He has gifted men and women to write throughout church history.

The Tolle Lege Book Club helps you to take full advantage of the opportunity God has given you in this culture and society to obtain and read good books.

Remember Paul’s words if you ever think yourself too wise, too old, too busy, or too burdened to read good books.

When the Apostle Paul was in prison, he was facing the prospect of death, and yet he desired books. He had been preaching at least 30 years, saw the Lord Jesus, was caught up to the third heaven, wrote the major portion of the New Testament, and had been given visions — yet he desired books to study!

Tree of Life Christian Church is known as the Meat Department when it comes to studying God’s Word.

We believe it is God’s desire for believers to read and study His Word, and the many of the sound works He has gifted men and women to write throughout church history.

The Tolle Lege Book Club helps you to take full advantage of the opportunity God has given you in this culture and society to obtain and read good books.

Remember Paul’s words if you ever think yourself too wise, too old, too busy, or too burdened to read good books.

Worthy Investment

There are few investments that bring greater returns than buying good, sound biblical literature.

There are few things that are a more profitable use of your spare time than to read the godly counsel and instructions of the men and women God has gifted to teach and write. Work toward building a sound Christian library and to read every book in it!

Charles Haddon Spurgeon stated it eloquently when he said, “You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers and expositions of the Bible.

We are quite persuaded that the very best way for you to be spending your leisure is to be either reading or praying.

You may get much instruction from books which afterwards you may use as a true weapon in your Lord and Master’s service. Paul cries, ‘Bring the books’ — join the cry.”


Together we read one book per month and meet on the first Wednesday night of each month to discuss it together.

We use the following outline while reading to prepare ourselves for the discussion:

  • Rate the book on a scale of 1 – 10 and describe why.
  • Describe and discuss one point the book brought out that you can apply to your life.
  • Describe and discuss two additional points the book brought out: one you like, one you don’t.

The book of the month is always available on our home page. Many of our members purchase and read the selected book each month without participating in the discussion. 

You are, of course, welcome to do this, but there is a great advantage in coming to the meetings and participating in the discussion.

Contact us if you are interested in joining the Tolle Lege Book Club or if you would like to learn more information.


Together we read one book per month and meet on the first Wednesday night of each month to discuss it together.

We use the following outline while reading to prepare ourselves for the discussion:

  • Rate the book on a scale of 1 – 10 and describe why.
  • Describe and discuss one point the book brought out that you can apply to your life.
  • Describe and discuss two additional points the book brought out: one you like, one you don’t.

The book of the month is always available on our home page. Many of our members purchase and read the selected book each month without participating in the discussion. 

You are, of course, welcome to do this, but there is a great advantage in coming to the meetings and participating in the discussion.

If you’d like to learn more about this ministry or where we meet, email us at